Thursday, April 2, 2015

Relative Randomness as Infinite Binary Sequences

MathJax TeX Test Page Given infinite binary sequences $α,β : ℕ → \{0,1\}$, define $$δ_n = \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^n {γ_i}}{n}$$ where $γ_i$ is the comparison of $α$ and $β$, i.e. $γ_i=1$ if $α(i)=β(i)$ and $γ_i=0$ otherwise. If $δ_n→z$ for some $z∈[0,1]$, then we write $δ(α,β)=z$. If $z=\dfrac{1}{2}$ in this case, we say $β$ is random relative to $α$ (or obviously vice versa). If $A$ is a set of infinite binary sequences, then we say $β$ is random relative to $A$ if $δ(α,β)=\dfrac{1}{2}$ for all $α∈A$.

Theorem 1 (Existence of Coins): If $X=(x_i)_{i∈ℕ}$ is a countable set of infinite binary sequences, then there exists an infinite binary sequence relatively random to $X$.

Proof: Choose any decreasing real sequence $ε_n→0$. We shall construct an infinite binary sequence $α$ such that for some sequence $N_n$ we have $|δ_i(α,x_j)-\dfrac{1}{2}| < ε_n$ for all $i ≥ N_n$ and $j ≤ n$. Hence as $i→∞$ we shall have $δ_i(α,x_j)→\dfrac{1}{2}$ for arbitrary $j$, implying $δ(α,x_j)=\dfrac{1}{2}$.

We shall attain this by constructing a sequence of finite binary sequences $α_{N_m} : \{1,...,N_m\}→\{0,1\}$ that are pairwise extensions of one another, and such that $|δ_i(α_{N_m}^*,x_j)-\dfrac{1}{2}| < ε_j$ for all free variables subject to $j≤m$ and $N_m+2^{m+1}≥i≥N_j$, and for all $α_{N_m}^* : \{1,...,N_m+2^{m+1}\}→\{0,1\}$ extending $α_{N_m}$. Then the sequence $α$ defined by $α(n) = α_{N_m}(n)$ for any $N_m≥n$ will satisfy the hypothesis above.

This shall be obtained by induction on $m$. (The base case will become superfluous, but is useful for comprehension) For $m=1$, let $β_1(k)=Φ_1(k)$ where $Φ_1(k)≡|\{j~|~j < k, x_1(j)=x_1(k)\}| \mod 2$, and then since we see $δ(β_1,x_1) = \dfrac{1}{2}$, choose $N_1$ large enough so that $$|\dfrac{(\sum_{j=1}^i γ_j)+4}{i+4} - \dfrac{1}{2}| < ε_1$$ $$|\dfrac{\sum_{j=1}^i γ_j}{i+4} - \dfrac{1}{2}| < ε_1$$ for $i ≥ N_1$, where $γ_i$ is the comparison between $β_1$ and $x_1$. Then the restriction $α_{N_1}$ of $β_1$ onto the set $\{1,...,N_1\}$ satisfies the hypothesis for $m=1$.

Now suppose appropriate $α_{N_m}$ has been constructed. Define $β_{m+1}$ by $β_{m+1}(k)=α_{N_m}(k)$ for $k≤N_m$, and otherwise, $β_{m+1}(k)=Φ_{m+1}(k)$ where $$Φ_{m+1}(k)≡|\{j~|~j < k, θ(j)=θ(k)\}| \mod 2$$ $$θ(n)=[x_i(n)]_{1≤i≤m+1}$$ Notice, then, that for any $1≤i≤m+1$ and any $(m+1)×1$ binary vector $v$, the proportion of $k > N_m$ such that $θ(k)=v$ satisfying $x_i(k)=β_{m+1}(k)$ as opposed to $x_i(k)≠β_{m+1}(k)$ approaches $\dfrac{1}{2}$, with at most $1$ extra nonsatisfying $k$ given any of the limit populations observed. Since for each $k > N_m$ there is one such vector $v$ for which $θ(k)=v$, and since there are $2^{m+1}$ vectors overall, for all $1≤i≤m+1$ we observe the proportion of such $k > N_m$ for which $x_i(k)=β_i(k)$ as opposed to $x_i(k)≠β_i(k)$ approaches $\dfrac{1}{2}$, with at most $2^{m+1}$ extra nonsatisfying $k$ given any of the limit populations observed. Therefore, there is sufficiently large $N_{m+1}$ for which $|δ_i(β_{m+1},x_j)-\dfrac{1}{2}| < ε_{m+1}$ for all free variables subject to $j≤m+1$ and $i≥N_j$; all that is missing is the $α_{N_{m+1}}^*$, and the variable index of $ε$. To fix the first, we rechoose $N_{m+1}$ to satisfy $$|\dfrac{(\sum_{j=1}^i γ_j)+2^{m+2}}{i+2^{m+2}} - \dfrac{1}{2}| < ε_{m+1}$$ $$|\dfrac{\sum_{j=1}^i γ_j}{i+2^{m+2}} - \dfrac{1}{2}| < {m+1}$$ for all $i≥m$ where $γ_j$ ranges being relative over $α_{N_1},...,α_{N_{m+1}}$ toward $β_{m+1}$, and then let $α_{m+1}$ be the restriction of $β_{m+1}$ onto $\{1,...,N_{m+1}\}$. Now, observing the upper bound of $2^{m+2}$ on the lag of the previously mentioned proportions of the limit populations in conjunction with the conditions just now qualified to $N_{m+1}$, we may finally conclude $|δ_i(α_{N_{m+1}}^*,x_j)-\dfrac{1}{2}| < ε_j$ for all free variables subject to $j≤m+1$ and $N_{m+1}+2^{m+2}≥i≥N_j$, and for all $α_{N_{m+1}}^* : \{1,...,N_{m+1}+2^{m+2}\}→\{0,1\}$ extending $α_{N_{m+1}}$. This completes the induction, and the proof.$~\square$

With some further complication of the frequency by which we choose $1$ or $0$ given a finite binary pattern vector (i.e. changing $Φ$ so that it isn't merely alternating), the above proof should generalize to show the existence of arbitrarily weighted coins, yielding heads at any given probability in the unit interval.


Given an infinite binary sequence $β$ and $α : ℕ→[0,1]$, define $$δ_n = \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^n {γ_i}}{n}$$ where $γ_i$ is the comparison of $α$ and $β$, i.e. $γ_i=1-α(i)$ if $β(i)=0$ and $γ_i=α(i)$ otherwise. If $δ_n→z$ for some $z∈[0,1]$, then we write $δ(α,β)=z$. If $z=\dfrac{1}{2}$ in this case, we say $β$ is random relative to $α$. If $A$ is a set of infinite binary sequences, then we say $β$ is random relative to $A$ if $δ(α,β)=\dfrac{1}{2}$ for all $α∈A$.

Theorem 2: If $X$ is a countable set of functions $x_i : ℕ→[0,1]$, then there exists an infinite binary sequence relatively random to $X$.

Proof (sketch): If we define $δ_n'=δ_n-\dfrac{1}{2}=\dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^n {(γ_i-\dfrac{1}{2})}}{n}$ and $δ'=\lim_{n→∞} δ_n'$, then an equivalent reformulation of the problem for the case when $A$ is of finite order $m$ becomes: "Given a sequence $(v_i)$ of vectors of the form $(w_1,...,w_m)$ where $w_i∈[-1,1]$, does there exist a sequence $β=(b_i)$ where $b_i = \pm 1$ such that when $σ_j = \sum^j b_i·v_i$, we observe $\lim_{n→∞} \dfrac{σ_n}{n} = 0$?" As well, having solved this finite case, the countably infinite case will follow in a cumbersome manner as above and will thus be omitted.

Choose a decreasing real sequence $ε_n→0$. For each $n$, let $B_n$ be a partition of $[-1,1]^m$ into finitely many regions (say $\omega_n$) of diameter less than $2ε_n$. We shall inductively construct $β$ so that for sufficiently large indices $n > N_k$, we shall have $σ_n < ε_k·n$. As such, starting with $ε_i$, follow this procedure for as long as it takes for $σ_n$ to be able to incur $\omega_{i+1}$ consecutive "errors" and still be less than $ε_i·n$: At the start, all regions of $B_i$ are "inactive." Given the choice to set $b_j = \pm 1$, if $v_j$ is located in a region of $[-1,1]^m$ that is active, then set $b_j = -1$ and deactivate that region. Otherwise, activate the region and set $b_j=1$. Move on to $v_{j+1},b_{j+1}$. This process is seen to cancel vectors in partial sums with a per-step error factor approaching less than $\dfrac{1}{2}2ε_i=ε_i$ in magnitude.$~\square$

As with the first theorem, with some complication of the region that is to be finitely partitioned, the proof should generalize to show the existence of arbitrarily weighted coins.


Fix an infinite binary sequence $θ$. For infinite binary sequences $α$ and $β$, define $P(α)=δ(α,θ)$ and $P(α~|~β)=δ(γ,θ)$ where $γ(n)=α(b_n)$, if $b_n$ is the $n^\text{th}$ smallest integer to satisfy $β(b_n)=θ(b_n)$.

Theorem 3 (Bayes' Theorem): Suppose $P(α)$ and $P(β)$ exist and are nonzero. Then $$P(α~|~β)·P(β) = P(β~|~α)·P(α)$$ where if one side is undefined, then so is the other.

Proof: Suppose without loss that $P(β~|~α)$ is well defined. Let $γ_α$ denote its helper function, so that $δ_m(γ_α,θ)$ is the fraction of values $a_n ≤ m$ such that $β(a_n)=θ(a_n)$. This latter observation leads us to the identity $$δ_n(γ_α,θ)·(n·δ_n(α,θ))=δ_n(γ_β,θ)·(n·δ_n(β,θ))$$ when $γ_β$ is the associated helper function for $P(α~|~β)$. Therefore we derive $$P(α~|~β)·P(β) = \lim_{n→∞} δ_n(γ_β,θ) · \lim_{n→∞} δ_n(β,θ) = \lim_{n→∞} δ_n(γ_β,θ) · δ_n(β,θ) = $$$$\lim_{n→∞} \dfrac{(n·δ_n(γ_β,θ)) · δ_n(β,θ)}{n} = \lim_{n→∞} \dfrac{(n·δ_n(γ_α,θ)) · δ_n(α,θ)}{n} = $$$$\lim_{n→∞} δ_n(γ_α,θ) · \lim_{n→∞} δ_n(α,θ) = P(β~|~α)·P(α)~~\square$$