Thursday, February 28, 2013

Automorphism Group of the Symmetric Group of Order n (4.4.18)

Dummit and Foote Abstract Algebra, section 4.4, exercise 18:

This exercise shows that for n≠6 every automorphism of Sn is inner. Fix an integer n > 1 with n≠6.
(a) Prove that ∀σ∈Aut(G) and each conjugacy class K of G the set σ(K) is also a conjugacy class of G, ie σ permutes the conjugacy classes of G.
(b) Let K be the conjugacy class of transpositions in Sn and let K' be the conjugacy class of any element of order 2 in Sn that is not a transposition. Prove that |K|≠|K'|. Deduce that any automorphism of Sn maps transpositions to transpositions [see exercise 33 in section 3].
(c) Prove that for any σ∈Aut(Sn), we have σ: ( 1 2 ) → ( a b2 ), ( 1 3 ) → ( a b3 ), ..., ( 1 n ) → ( a bn ), for distinct integers a, b2, b3, ..., bn.
(d) Show that the transpositions moving 1 generate Sn and deduce that any automorphism of Sn is determined by its action on these elements. Use (c) to show that Sn has at most n! automorphisms and conclude that Aut(Sn) = Inn(Sn) for n≠6.

Proof: (a) Take a representative x of K. We have that for any y∈K, y = gxg-1 for some g, so that σ(y) = σ(gxg-1) = σ(g)σ(x)σ(g)-1∈σ(K), thus every element of σ(K) is within the same conjugacy class. Furthermore, for any g, σ(g)σ(x)σ(g)-1 = σ(gxg-1)∈σ(K), so that σ(K) contains the conjugacy class of σ(x). Therefore, σ(K) is exactly one conjugacy class.

(b) For σ a transposition Sn, we have that its cycle type consists of n-2 1s and exactly one 2. For z∈Sn of order 2 but not a transposition, we have that its cycle type consists of n-2x 1s and x 2s for some integer x > 1. By the aforementioned exercise, we can calculate their conjugacy class sizes in general form: σ's conjugacy class is of order n!/((n-2)!*2), and z's conjugacy class is of order n!/((n-2x)!*x!*2x). The two being equal would imply that (n-2)!*2 = (n-2x)!*x!*2x. Prove that this is impossible for n > 6 using induction: If for all 2 ≤ x ≤ n/2 we have (n-2)!*2 > (n-2x)!*x!*2x, then for all 2 ≤ x ≤ (n+2)/2 we have ((n+2)-2)!*2 = (n-2)!*2*(n-1)*n > ((n+2)-2x)!*x!*2x = (n-2x)!*x!*2x*(n-2x+1)*(n-2x+2). This is evident for 2 ≤ x ≤ n/2 since (n-1)*n > (n-2x+1)*(n-2x+2) for x > 2. There is only one other possibility for x, then, namely x = (n+2)/2 if n is even, or x = (n+1)/2 if n is odd. Even if x is maximized to (n+2)/2 regardless of n's evenness or oddness, we have, after the substitution and cleaning up, (n-2)! > (n/2 + 1)!*2n/2, since it's true for the base cases n = 7 and n = 8, and if it's true for n > 6, then it's true for n+2, as the left side of the inequality gets multiplied by (n-1)*n, and the right side only by (n/2+2)*2. Now, since the original inductively attacked equation has base cases true for n = 7 and n = 8 (easily checked by force), we have the complete result proven after routinely checking that the equation does not hold for n = 2, 3, 4, or 5 and any possible values of x.

(c) Keep in mind isomorphisms preserve the order of the elements they permute. Take σ( ( m k ) ) = ( a b2 ) and σ( ( m n ) ) = ( x bn ) for n≠1,2. If a = x and b2 = bn, then we have σ( ( 1 2 )( 1 n) ) (aka σ( ( 1 n 2 ) ) ) is the identity permutation, which obviously violates the automorphism. If a ≠ x and b2 ≠ bn , then σ( ( 1 2 )( 1 n) ) is the product of two disjoint transpositions, and thus of order two, despite how σ( ( 1 n 2 ) ) is of order 3. This implies that for every pair of transpositions moving one common integer, their images under an automorphism move one common integer (if a ≠ x and b2 = bn then just "flip" the transposition around to obtain the proper form). Now, inductively prove that if two transpositions move exactly one common element both under Sn and σ(Sn), then all transpositions under these two groups move exactly one common element. Take the two that move exactly one common element under Sn, and take an arbitrary third that moves exactly one common element with the first and the second under Sn and exactly one with the first and then the second (proved by the preceding manipulations):
Note not that the three under the map need not move a common element
in unison by the above logic alone, however.

But, we can prove that they must by an additional progression. Assume that x distinct transpositions ordered ( 1 2 ), ( 1 3 ), ..., ( 1 x-1 ) move one common element before (the integer 1) and after the automorphism (the integer a). Assume ( 1 x ) does not move a. We know that ( 1 x )( 1 x-1 )...( 1 2) is an x-cycle, and yet since σ( ( 1 x ) ) moves a common element with every transposition before it and therefore fixes nothing not already moved by the preceding transpositions under the automorphism, we have that σ( ( 1 x )( 1 x-1 )...( 1 2) ) only moves x-1 indices and is thus something less than an x-cycle, not in the same conjugacy class as its premapped counterpart, and therefore a contradiction by part (a). So ( 1 x ) moves a. Using this progression, every mapped transposition obeys the sequence hypothesized above.

(d) Any transposition ( i j ) within σ(Sn) can be constructed by the transpositions permuted to the set of transpositions moving a (demonstrated in the previous part) as such: ( a j )( a i )( a j ). Therefore, since σ(Sn) = Sn is clearly generated by transpositions, we have that an automorphism's action on the transpositions moving 1 in Sn are all that's necessary to determine its action on the whole group. Since there are n-1 of these transpositions with n-1 available slots after determining one of the n common integers these transpositions move, we have | Aut(Sn) | ≤ n!. Since Sn / Z(Sn) ≅ Inn(Sn) ≤ Aut(Sn) and | Sn / Z(Sn) | = | Sn / 1 | = | Sn | = n!, we have that Inn(Sn) = Aut(Sn) for n ≠ 6.

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