Friday, February 15, 2013

Solvable Groups' Composition Representations and Factors (3.4.8)

Dummit and Foote Abstract Alegbra, section 3.4 exercise 8:

G a finite group. Prove that the following are logically equivalent:
(i) G is solvable
(ii) G has a chain of subgroups: 1 = H0 ≤ H1 ≤ H2 ... ≤ Hs = G such that Hi / Hi-1 is a cyclic group, 0≤i≤s
(iii) All composition factors of G have prime order
(iv) G has a chain of subgroups: 1 = N0 ≤ N1 ≤ N2 ... ≤ Ns = G such that Ni is normal in G, and N/ Ni-1 is abelian, 0≤i≤s


(ii) ⇒ (iii) : Since Hi / Hi-1 is cyclic, assume | Hi / Hi-1 | is of prime order. Since prime-ordered cyclic groups are without nontrivial, proper subgroups, Hi / Hi-1 would be simple. Therefore, assume | Hi / Hi-1 | = pn for some prime p and n∈Z+. Then by Cauchy's Theorem there exists xHi-1∈Hi / Hi-1 such that | xHi-1 | = p. Since Hi / Hi-1 is cyclic and thus abelian, < xHi-1 > = < x > / Hi-1 is a normal subgroup of Hi / Hi-1, and 1 / Hi-1 = Hi-1 / Hi-1 is clearly a normal subgroup of < x > / Hi-1. By the Lattice Isomorphism Theorem, < x > is a normal subgroup of Hi, and Hi-1 is a normal subgroup of < x >. Furthermore, < x > / Hi-1 is cyclic, and H/ < x > is cyclic (since Hi is cyclic), so the initial conditions can be applied to these two groups to seal an infinite descent-style induction proof that eventually only prime-ordered quotient groups will remain.
(iii) ⇒ (ii) : If G has such a composition series, then since Hi / Hi-1 is of prime order, it must be cyclic. We have proved (ii) ⇔ (iii)

(ii) ⇒ (i) : If these quotients are cyclic, then by nature they are abelian, and thus fulfill the requirement of a solvable group.

(i) ⇒ (ii) : If G has such a chain of subgroups, then obtain the composition series by splitting the non-simple factors thus: If Gi is normal in Gi-1, then nontrivial, proper N / Gi-1 normal in Gi / Gi-1 exists, so N normal in Gi exists by the Lattice Isomorphism Theorem. Similarly, since Gi-1 / Gi-1 = 1 / Gi-1 is clearly normal in N / Gi-1, Gi-1 is normal in N. Now to prove that these two new potential quotients are abelian: Since N / Gi-1 is a subgroup of a priori abelian Gi / Gi-1, N / Gi-1 is abelian. Gi / Gi-1 abelian implies:
∀x,y∈Gi, xGi-1yGi-1 = yGi-1xGi-1
xy∈yxN (since Gi-1 ≤ N) ⇒
xNyN = yNxN ⇒ Gi / N is abelian

Using the familiar infinite descent, we must eventually arrive at a composition series of simple abelian factors/quotients. By exercise number one, these are isomorphic to prime cyclic subgroups, and are thereby cyclic. We have proved (i) ⇔ (ii)

(iv) ⇒ (i) : Implied by definition of a solvable group.

(i) ⇒ (iv) : Let M be the minimal normal subgroup after the trivial group within the solvable series (in special cases it may be that M=G). Take the next smallest part of the link of the composition series of M (existent by part 1 of the Jordan-Hölder Theorem) as N, which is normal in M. Then since M is solvable due to being a subgroup of a solvable group (exercise 5), and since (i) ⇒ (iii), we have that | M / N | is prime. Thus M / N is cyclic, and therefore abelian. xNyN = yNxN ⇒ x-1y-1xy∈N, ∀x,y∈M.

Now assume that M isn't abelian, so there exist m,n∈M such that m-1n-1mn = [m,n] ≠ 1. Set V = < [x,y] | ∀x,y∈M >. Now, g[x,y]g-1 = gx-1g-1gy-1g-1gxg-1gyg-1 = [gxg-1,gyg-1] = [x1,y1]∈V, so we have that V is a normal subgroup in G. Since we have proved that V ≤ N and N < M, we have V is a normal subgroup of strictly smaller order than M, which violates the minimality of M. Therefore, M is abelian, so M / 1 is abelian.

Now, the induction step. If Q is the next minimal normal subgroup of G after another normal subgroup T, then not only is Q / T a normal subgroup of G / T, but Q / T is the minimal normal subgroup after the trivial group of G / T by extrapolation of the Lattice Isomorphism Theorem. Therefore, Q / T is abelian. We have proved (i) ⇔ (iv), and thus the proof is complete.

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