Dummit and Foote Abstract Algebra, section 4.6, exercise 6:
Let D be the subgroup of the infinite symmetric group consisting of the permutations that move only a finite number of indices (cf. 4.3.17) and let A be the set of all elements σ∈D such that σ acts as an even permutation of the (finite) set of points it moves. Prove that A is an infinite simple group. [Show that every pair of elements of A lie in a finite simple subgroup of A.]
Proof: Take σ1∈A such that | M(σ1) | > 4. Letting σ2 be any other permutation within A, we have < σ1,σ2 > ≤ AM(< σ1,σ2>) ≅ A| M(< σ1,σ2>) |, which due to the choice of σ1 implies that AM(< σ1,σ2 >) is simple. Define Gi to be AM(< σ1,σ2,...,σi >) and we have G1 ≤ G2 ≤ ... ≤ A is a chain of ascending simple subgroups whose union is A, which by 4.6.5 establishes the simplicity of A.
Note: This proof is very informally educated, and is likely to be spotted with logical gaps, if it isn't erroneous in itself. Recorded mainly for posterity purposes.
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