Dummit and Foote Abstract Algebra, section 5.1, exercise 12:
Let A and B be groups, and assume Z1 ≤ Z(A) is isomorphic to Z2 ≤ Z(B). Let this isomorphism be given by xi → yi for all xi∈Z1. A central product of A and B is a quotient (A × B) / Z where Z = { (xi,yi-1) | xi∈Z1 } and is denoted by A ∗ B - it is not unique due to the variability in choice of Z1, Z2, and the isomorphism φ between them. (Think of A ∗ B as the direct product of A and B "collapsed" by identifying each element of Z1 with its corresponding element in Z2.)
(a) Prove that the images of A and B in the quotient group A ∗ B are isomorphic to A and B, respectively, and that these images intersect in a central subgroup isomorphic to Z1. Find | A ∗ B |.
(b) Let Z4 ∗ D8 be the central product that identifies x2 and r2 and let Z4 ∗ Q8 be the central product that identifies x2 and -1. Prove that Z4 ∗ D8 ≅ Z4 ∗ Q8.
Proof: (a) Let ψ be the function mapping A to its image within the central product. It is a homomorphism by:
ψ(ac) = (ac, 1)Z = (a, 1)(c, 1)Z = (a, 1)Z*(c, 1)Z = ψ(a)ψ(c), and it is clearly surjective on its image. Prove that it is injective thus:
ψ(a) = ψ(c)
(a, 1)Z = (c, 1)Z
(c-1a, 1) ∈ Z
(c-1a, 1) = (xi,yi-1), for some xi∈Z1,
c-1a = xi and yi-1 = 1, the latter of which implies xi = 1 due to the assumed isomorphism, so
c-1a = 1
a = c
The proof for the isomorphism of B with its image in the central product is parallel.
For the second part of (a), we can prove ψ(Z1) = ψ(A)∩ψ(B). Prove that ψ(Z1) ≤ ψ(A)∩ψ(B) by following:
ψ(Z1) ≤ ψ(A) clearly, and
(xa, ya-1)∈Z for any xa∈Z1 definitionally, so
(xa, 1)Z = (1, ya)Z = (1, y)Z for some y∈B, so ψ(Z1) ≤ ψ(B).
Now prove ψ(A)∩ψ(B) ≤ ψ(Z1):
We have (a, 1)Z = (1, b)Z, so
(a, 1)(xi,yi-1) = (1, b)(xj,yj-1), and in particular
axi = xj, so a∈Z1, which is to say every element of ψ(A) that is also in ψ(B) is within ψ(Z1), so ψ(A)∩ψ(B) ≤ ψ(Z1). We thus have Z1 ≅ ψ(Z1) = ψ(A)∩ψ(B).
Furthermore, we have | Z | = | Z1 | simply by observing the obvious surjective maps from Z to Z1 and from Z1 to Z. Thus, | A ∗ B | = | (A × B) / Z | = | A |*| B | / | Z | = | A |*| B | / | Z1 |.
(b) Note that | (x, 1) | = 4, | (1, r) | = 4, and | (1, s) | = 2 in Z4 ∗ D8. We have < (x, 1), (1, r) > is a group of order 4, 8, or 16. It is not 4 as (1, r)∉< (x, 1) > and it is not 16 as 1 ≠ (1, r)2 = (x, 1)2. Observing that Z4 ∗ D8 is of order 16 by the above order formula, we have that < (x, 1), (1, r), (1, s) > is equal either to < (x, 1), (1, r) > or Z4 ∗ D8; it must be the latter, as (1, s)∉< (x, 1), (1, r) >.
Note that | (x, 1) | = 4, | (1, i) | = 4, and | (1, j) | = 4 in Z4 ∗ Q8. We have < (x, 1), (1, i) > is a group of order 4, 8, or 16. It is not 4 as (1, i)∉< (x, 1) > and it is not 16 as 1 ≠ (1, i)2 = (x, 1)2. Observing that Z4 ∗ Q8 is of order 16 by the above order formula, we have that < (x, 1), (1, i), (1, j) > is equal either to < (x, 1), (1, i) > or Z4 ∗ Q8; it must be the latter, as (1, j)∉< (x, 1), (1, i) >.
We have that the generators of < (x, 1), (1, r), (1, s) > all commute with each other, and (1, r)2 = (x, 1)2 so that Z4 ∗ D8 = { (xa, n) | 0 ≤ a ≤ 3, n∈{1, r, s, rs} = D4} (it helps to draw the element chart out), and similarly, the generators of < (x, 1), (1, i), (1, j) > all commute with each other, and (1, i)2 = (x, 1)2 so Z4 ∗ Q8 = { ((xa, m) | 0 ≤ a ≤ 3, n∈{1, i, j, k} = Q8 / < -1 > ≅ D4 }. For each element of Z4 ∗ Q8 obtain the isomorphism to Z4 ∗ D8 by applying the isomorphism from Q8 / < -1 > to D4 to the second coordinate.
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