Find all normal subgroups of Sn for n > 4.
Proof: Assume a proper nontrivial normal subgroup N such that N ≠ An (which, due to An's maximality, implies An is not contained in N). We have N∩An is normal in An since, for all x∈N∩An and a∈An, axa-1∈N (due to N's normality) and axa-1∈An. Therefore, due to An's simplicity, we have N∩An = 1, so that every nonidentity element of N is of order 2 (since σ2∈An) and not in An. Assume | N | > 2 such that there are distinct nonidentity x and y (that are their own inverses). Since xy∈An, this means xy = 1, so x = y, a contradiction. Therefore |N| = 2, and since N is a union of conjugacy classes and every nonidentity element has some distinct nonidentity conjugate since CSn(σ) < Sn due to Z(Sn) = 1, this exhausts all possibilities for N. Thus, the only proper nontrivial normal subgroup in Sn for n > 4 is An. Of course, 1 and Sn are also normal in Sn.
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